Introduction to Feeding and Watering!

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Welcome to the Feeding and Watering topic!

For this badge you are going to learn about the most important topic when caring for horses.

The aspects of feeding and watering that you are going to learn about are:

The Digestive System

The Rules of Feeding

The Rules of Watering

Feeding Forage

Feeding Concentrates

Feeding Supplements

Here are the awesome badges you will earn at the end of the topic:

Why is feeding and watering important?

This is the most important topic because all living creatures need food and water to survive! We do not feed horses like we feed our dogs and cats because they have a very different digestive system. Knowing about correctly feeding and watering horses is essential to keeping them happy and healthy!

There are so many different feed options that we can provide or buy for horses so learning how to make an educated decision is important too. For example; we wouldn't want to feed a fat pony in light work the same as what we would feed to a racehorse!

If you have your own pony, volunteered for the day at a yard before or taken part in a 'own-a-pony' day you might know already how we feed horses. If not, do not worry - we will learn all about feeding and watering now!

But first of all, try this quiz to test your knowledge, if you don't know the answer, have a guess!

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