Introduction to Winter Care!

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Welcome to the Winter Care topic!

Here we are going to learn all about how to care for horses during the cold, wet and dark winter months. It is very important to consider the different seasons whilst caring for horses.

You will be learning about:



Field Management

Mud Fever

Rain Scald


Riding in the Winter

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General Winter Care

In the United Kingdom, it gets very cold and wet during the winter. This means we must change how we rug, feed and manage our horses. 

Wet and muddy fields with no grass mean ponies will be in their stable more in the winter. This means they are going to be moving less which can cause problems. Horses might become stiff so we should give them regular exercise to keep their muscles working and joints supple. 

Less grass and colder temperatures mean the horse will require more energy to keep warm. Weight loss is common in winter so we should consider feeding our ponies more hay and hard feed to keep them at a good weight.  

We will discuss these points in further detail throughout the Winter Care topic but how much do you know already?

Have a go at the quiz and see how much you know about this topic.

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