Introduction to Horse Health!

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Welcome to the Horse Health topic!

In this topic, you are going to learn all about how to keep a pony happy and healthy.

You will be learning lots about:

The First Aid Kit

Taking Temperature, Pulse and Respiration

Signs of Good and Ill Health



Care of the Teeth

When to call the Vet

Here are the badges you will earn:

General Horse Health

Horses are very sensitive animals so it is extremely important to know about horse health because you will need to act quickly if a horse becomes unwell. Sometimes horses will show obvious signs of being unwell, but that is not always the case.

If you have your own horse, you will get to know them very well. This means you will notice small changes in their health or behaviour, which can help prevent an illness becoming more serious.

If you do not have your own horse, that does not matter - this topic is still very important to understand!

How much do you know already about horse health?

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